I always find it interesting reading other people's blogs/web pages - especially personal pages. I think you can tell a lot about a person by the tone and nature of their blog posts and I love the glimpses into other people's psyches. If you haven't figured it out already, mine's fairly cheeky; I don't take myself too seriously; and am a passionate advocate for people/issues I believe are important.
I understand that there are more "professional" blogs designed for a specific audience and whilst they might not be my bag, there are obviously some people out there that have an interest in the particular topic - whether that be gaming, fashion, celebrities, make up etc. I'm sorry, I can't get excited about the latest shoot 'em up to hit the market or the latest diet fad - but if it interests you, fill your boots. I get that there is a big market for fitness and diet related material. I know some people are obsessed with the gym and how many calories are in a mouthful of fresh air - but really, life is too short! By all means eat sensibly and do some exercise to try and keep fit and healthy. But "fitspiration" is definitely way more healthy than "thinspiration". Be inspiring, don't make other people feel bad about the fact that they've not got an 8 pack or guns the size of a warship!
There genuinely is a blog called "The dullest blog in the world". Why?????? It's obviously a p*ss take, but - why spend your time posting a few lines a day about the fact that it occurred to you that you moved your door mat because it wasn't straight (yes, that's a genuine post). There is also a blog called the "Most Boring Blog in the world". I'm not prepare to waste my life looking for other contenders but I can confirm that they are both pretty damn boring and in my humble opinion, pointless.
The partial inspiration for this post was watching the movie "The right
kind of wrong", which is about a guy whose ex-wife writes a blog about him
called "Why You Suck" which basically criticizes everything down
to the most minor of his character flaws. She starts off just sharing the blog
with friends and family, but then goes public and becomes a media sensation resulting
in pretty public humiliation. It’s a romantic comedy, and there are some pretty
implausible points in the plot, but it did get me thinking.
Why do some people feel the need to broadcast (and feel justified in doing so) the intimate details of a relationship far and wide, or BS about things that didn't happen to make themselves feel better - whether during or after the relationship? I've been through a divorce that got really nasty and had crap spread about me. Tempting as it was to start a war of words about the BS & things they'd done during the time I'd known them - that's just not me. If anyone asked/asks outright what happened I'm honest about my flaws as well as the other parties' but despite everything I wouldn't broadcast their hopes/fears/darkest secrets.
Possibly because of my sense of humour, but definitely due to the fact that I don't have an Instagram-perfect life and am quite good at taking the p*ss out of my own life fails, I am much more interested in blogs about those with imperfect lives than those boasting about how fantastically perfect their worlds are; how high flying their careers; which high profile people they hang out with; how rich they are etc.
It may also have something to do with the fact that I'm good at making an arse of myself either intentionally to make people laugh, or completely unintentionally embarrassing myself in front of people that I either fancy, or need to impress (or both)! Luckily, I don't take myself too seriously so don't get all self righteous when my so-called friends and loved ones p*ss themselves laughing at my misfortune.
A small selection of blogs written by humans "keeping it real" that make me think as well as smile:
My Imperfect Life
The Ugly Volvo - a parenting blog but it covers loads of random topics. The link is to a post that made me smile.
Damn you autocorrect - General auto-correct fails, always good for a quick smile.
Soon2becatlady - I can relate to so many of her posts about the horrors of "dating".
The travel tart - Irreverant travel blog.
Danielle Vanier- For those of you interested in all things fashion, especially for people that exist on more than coffee and cigarettes - please check out the awesome Danielle's blog. Inspiring and cheery.
Medicinal Picnic - An open and inspiring account of how real life ain't perfect, but we're all trying our best!
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