26 Aug 2017

A 'lol' a day keeps the hankies away

They say that laughter is the best medicine. I'm in two minds. I'd put it joint first with music - but that's a topic for another day. 

Let's face it, the world is going crazy at the moment and picking up a newspaper, listening to the radio or even just watching the news headlines can be pretty depressing. It can easily get a bit overwhelming. I don't even want to think about the possible impending nuclear holocaust that is currently hanging over our heads thanks to two dudes with very bad hair and attitude problems.

I'm all for standing up for what is right, and taking action when it's required - I sign my share of petitions, lobby for things that I believe in, and try and keep reasonably up to date with current affairs. But sometimes you have just got to have some down time from "real life" to try and maintain a modicum of sanity (I did say a modicum of sanity, you don't want to be 100% "normal", that's boring). I'm not advocating complete radio silence from the real world but I would suggest that muting it every now and again is good for the soul.

Whether it's watching old episodes of friends, rebooted "Red Dwarf", "Mom", "Saturday Night Live", "Suits","QI" (educational as well as chucklesome) or *shudder* "The Big Bang Theory" (not my thing, but whatever floats your boat); or a funny film or radio show - fill your boots giving bad news the finger. It'll still be there waiting for you when you've finished crying with laughter - you might just find it a little easier to put into perspective.

Whilst I can highly recommend watching your favourite sitcom or comedic film; or reading a silly website, comic strip or book; some of my best times (and sorest stomach muscles) have come from seeing the funny in the every day. Laugh at yourself; laugh at people that take themselves too seriously; laugh at the yoga guru that farts when she's doing a plank; laugh at the guy that thinks he's God's gift to woman when he trips over his feet because he's too busy making eyes at someone. But laugh, dammit - life is short and no one gets out alive.

Laughing is not going to magically make all of the crappy things in the world go away. It's not going to get you your dream job (OK, if you want to work it comedy, it will certainly help, smart arse); it will not make you win you the lottery; or provide a solution to world peace. However, laughter releases feel good chemicals. People that are feeling positive are less likely to be gits to other people. Thus, it could, directly and indirectly make a positive difference to people near by you, or people that you are never going to meet.

A small selection of the studies that have taken place regarding laughter and its effects on your health are:
UMM laughter study
Psychological bulletin
Alternative Therapies
Laughter Yoga & Organ Transplants

If you want a dose of the news but without getting completely depressed - may I suggest The last leg. If it's not currently on TV, there are loads of clips online and they have a Facebook page. It will keep you up to date with the weekly news but will royally poke fun it; make you feel less hopeless, and laugh a lot! You could also try The onion or Daily mash for satire that can make you chortle.

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